Saturday, May 26, 2007

POTC3: At World's Ends - a few words

and I do mean a few. This is after all, a film trilogy event based on a theme park.

I actually have 2-3 drafts of blogs waiting to be finished and published, but since this won't take long, I'll just get it out. And while at it, I'll review the first 2 movies in the trilogy as well.

Pirates of the Carribean : Curse of The Black Pearl (2003) - is a fun movie with a convoluted and needless story whose purpose is just to let Johnny Depp be Jack Sparrow - and boy did he deliver one helluva fun role (and truly deserve that Academy Award Best Actor Nomination). - 3.5 / 5

Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) - surprisingly, Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow is subdued here. However, the story, still convoluted, but is shockingly quite good as it makes many creative uses of pirates mythology to create its own universe. Action sequences are a blast and really fun, including the highlight when Jack, Will and the commodore from the first movie had a fight in a giant rolling wheel. A great story rescues a subdued Jack. 4 / 5

Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End (2007) - If you thought Spiderman 3 is too ambitious, you ain't see nothing yet. This movie surprisingly eturns to be like the first movie. Story continues well until Jack is rescued, after which it becomes a complicated excuse again for Jack to do his stuffs. Boy does he deliver, and this time, even Geoffrey Rush as Captain Barbosa provides a perfect foil as his "partner" - this is almost like a buddy movie between Jack Sparrow and Capt Barbosa. Action Sequences are better than the 1st but doesn't reach the heights of the 2nd movie. Love story arc has a VERY CORNY ENDING - be warned. Since this is like the 1st movie where the story sucks and Jack/Johnny Depp rocks, it gets the same rating: 3.5 / 5

PS: there's a scene after end credits, it's not worth sitting through the credits

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