Friday, November 9, 2007

Cloudy, Gloomy San Jose

Entries that usually start by talking about the weather might sound boring. But I digress.

Gray clouds have been hovering San Jose for a couple of days. But it doesn't rain. I am used to this kind of fall weather in bay area already, but some rain would be nice. I love rain. and if the sky is gray it doesn't rain, I feel gloomy. I described the San Jose weather - to a friend - "is like watching someone who wants to cry, but instead the person holds back so much, he/she appears gloomy." My friend said I'm too dramatic. all right, the weather made me do that.

I never talked about work, but now I'm just going to mention something trivial or even silly. One task that my group is in charge on is chip testing. I was recently being introduced to that. Apparently, the department has been testing on ELMO boards and they're switching to OSCAR next year. When I learnt that, I can't help but wonder who came up with the "Sesame Street"-inspired naming scheme. Elmo? Oscar? anyone?

Now, for something disgusting. I really mean disgusting. For the past 3 weeks or so, every time I shit, my ass bleeds. It's frightening me, I thought I got cancer or something. According to WebMD, I have to drink more water and eat more fibre. I am reluctant to drink more because I think I have drink enough water and drinking more will result in more unnecessary toilet visits. As for fibre, I think I have eaten enough as I eat vegetable everyday. But just to be safe than sorry, I'm drinking more and eating fruits like bananas for the next few days. If it doesn't improve, doctor it is then.

Wedding Blues:

Couple of days ago, when I was in a taiwanese restaurant, I saw a poster advertising Jay Chou's concert in LA on Christmas eve. Damn, I was so disappointed. I'd be in Indonesia for the last 2 weeks of December for my cousin's wedding. So, I definitely can't attend that. I am a big fan of Jay Chou and I've known for some time that he's going on a world tour soon, but I didn't expect it to be on Christmas. The last time Jay Chou was here was in 2004. 3 years ago. Maybe I have to wait until I eventually go back to asia for good before I can attend his concert.

That's not the only thing I have to skip. Novie asked if I'd be interested to go to Seattle at the last few days of 2007. I'd be glad, even if I have been there 4 years ago. At least it Rains in Seattle, unlike San Jose. But alas, I can't go.

Why was the wedding chosen in December? why not next year? The year 2008 sounds good in chinese, especially due to the year ending with the chinese lucky number 8. Not to mention the sure to be fully crowded, and dreaded by the sharks and abalone population around the world, date of 08-08-08 (8 August 2008). But my grandma consulted the chinese calendar and determined that next year is a bad year for wedding, so it has to be done asap. So here we are.

I am happy for my cousin and future cousin-in-law and I will definitely come for the big occasion. But for making me miss Jay Chou's concert and a trip to Seattle, Thanks Grandma.


puggy wuggy said...

you actually would've chosen Jay Chou over your grandma? Wow you're gayer than I thought man.

ricpolim said...

i still have more skeletons in my closet