Thursday, January 25, 2007

2008 election continued ...

Speak of the devil, just as I blogged about it yesterday, John Kerry decided not to run for the president. I say good for you sir, you served your country well enough, there's no need to go through another humiliating campaign.

I wanna add another candidate that I missed: Al Gore. Okay, I admit I never really liked Al Gore when he ran in 2000. But last year, I saw An Inconvenient Truth and my opinion of him change. I like the person he has become since he lost that election, especially his quest to educate people about global warming. However, just because he champions that issue doesn't mean he will make a great president. So yeah, there's a lot remains to be seen from him and i'd say no to him.

and speaking of Barack Obama. Yesterday, I learned that he attended public school for 4 years in indonesia when he was young. Fox News then claimed that he went to an islamic madrasah and therefore would be sympathetic to muslim terrorists. CNN then debunked that claim by visiting the school that Obama attended only to discover that the public school actually teaches to students of various religions including christian and buddhist. The school curricullum has a religious class period during which students will split to go to the class of his/her faith (eg the christians students will go to christian class, the islam will go to islamic class etc).
As someone who used to live in Indonesia, I can verify that this is true for many public schools in Indonesia. The reason I write about this is not about Obama, but about US schools. This model of education teaching different religions in a school is a perfect way of separating church and state without actually having to ban/prohibit any material from being taught in schools as well as fostering mutual respect among religions. In US, I read about parents and groups advocating Intelligent Design to be taught along Evolution (which is a thinly disguised attempt by extremist christians to discredit Evolution) as well as schools prohibiting some religious expressions including praying and many other similar conflicts between church and state. Hey, maybe the system here can already learn from a working and tolerant model in Indonesia, the so called "madrassah" which turned out not to be as extremist as the fox news claimed.

Watch the CNN debunking investigation video here to see what I'm talking about.

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